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Eastern Rosella

Platycercus eximius
Conservation Status: 
Least Concern
Southeastern Australia
Light woods and bushlands
Eastern rosellas display a stunning array of colors. They have a red head and white cheeks, with a white beak and brown irises. The upper breast is red, while the lower breast fades to yellow and then to pale green over the abdomen. The feathers on the back and shoulders are black with colored edges.
They form lifelong pair bonds. During courtship, the pairs engage in mutual feeding. The breeding season begins in early spring. They nest in tree hollows and lay 2 to 9 eggs per clutch. The female takes exclusive care of the eggs. Incubation lasts for 21 days, and the young fledge after 35 days.
Eastern Rosella parents show a preference for feeding their oldest and largest offspring, providing less food to the youngest and smallest sibling. To compensate for this, the oldest offspring will feed its youngest sibling to ensure equal growth rates. By the time they are ready to fledge, all the offspring will be the same size!
They form flocks of 8 to 20 birds and primarily feed on seeds, blossoms, berries, fruits, nuts, and leaves.